Friday, October 12, 2012

Mr. S {Seattle Newborn Photographer}

 On Wednesday I had the pleasure of meeting a handsome little man who was the not like my typical newborn sessions.  He was awake all of ten minutes--despite the cranked up heat, loud shhhssing, and constant feedings.  He also had legs stronger than a 3 month old and wiggled his way out of any position.  He made me work hard for the perfect shot. Nonetheless, he was adorable and sweet and I just couldn't get enough of his sweet face.  His parents better be on  the watch because he is a real lady killer. 

We had fun chatting and I got a chance to see just how proud these parents are--especially when they pulled out the jerseys and laughed over how relaxed the little guy was this giant jersey.  Perhaps he has a future in baseball? 

The dog even made it in to our photo session and made sure to get into the shot.  I am still wiping off the nose prints she left on my lens!

Thank you Jess & DJ for sharing your day with me!  Congratulations again!  I hope to see this guy again :)


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mr. B {Seattle Family Photographer}

Last October, I had the pleasure of meeting 8 friendly faces in what was my "mini-k" preschool classroom.  Every day 8 smiling faces sat on the circle rug and sang silly songs, explored sensory tubs, and created some big messes together.  Oh, I loved these preschoolers.  In April, I said goodbye to preschool to stay home with my kids and pursue my photography business. 

I miss those kids. 

I was delighted when one of my former student's mom contact me about a Fall Mini-Session.  Not only was it a chance to photograph a beautiful family but it was a chance to catch up with an awesome kid.

The day couldn't have been more perfect.  60 degrees, sunny, and filled with gorgeous fall colors at the Ballard Locks.  It took a while to get this little guy to warm up but after some silly stories and jokes, this kid was smiling like always.  

We had so much fun.  It was so great seeing how much progress this little guy has made.  He is 5 now--going to a new school and counting. It is amazes me how much kids can grow in such a short time---reminds me that my baby is turning 2 tomorrow! Kids. Oh my. Now, if only all of my former students would contact me about photo sessions--it would be so great to see them! 

PS Did you like this gorgeous session?  There are still a few slots left for Fall Mini-Session on October 27.  Can't make that day?  Contact me about other options.

Friday, October 5, 2012

P Family {Seattle Family Photographer}

I spent the morning making googly eyes over this sweet little lady and her family.  It was such a treat!!! I forget how much I love the 4-8 months ages of babies! Life is so easy before they start crawling, walking, and er, breaking arms.  This cute family is chummy with my hubby so it was good to catch up with them. Thank you for letting me spend a few hours with you and capturing your joy!

Be sure to "like" Happy Mama Photography on facebook so you can see more sneak peeks!


PS Seriously.  Adorable.  Even the dog is cute as hell.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012