Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mr. K:: 16 months {Seattle Children's Photographer}

These are a month overdue. We moved our computer upstairs, changed some files around, and I could never get them uploaded.  But here they are---FINALLY! 

We went to Long Beach, CA to visit my family and while we had some down time, Kannon and I hit the beach.  He loved the sand, the slide, the blue skies.  He kept pointing "up".  Clearly, we don't see enough sunshine in Seattle!

Our big boy, is now a 22 lb, running, jumping, signing, screeching toddler!  Oh joy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

More of Little C's 4 Month Pics {Seattle Baby Photographer}

I posted the "Many Faces of Clark" but never finished the rest.  Well, tonight was my chance to catch up and catch up I did!  I have *gasp* over 100 photos edited and ready to upload from our month of adventure.  Before we jump to those, remember little Clark?  He isn't so little anymore!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Island Life

These are a bit over due.  I have been spectacularly busy since our return from California and haven't made time to edit and upload photos.  Sorry. 

We went to San Juan Island last week and had a fabulous, albeit snowy time!  We drove to the ferry in snow-covered, unplowed roads and really debated staying another day.  As it turns, our timing was perfect as San Juan and the rest of Western Washington continued to get snow dumps, wind, and bone-chilling temperatures.  Here is a sneak peak of some of our pics.  More to come!